


分享 Can I touch my wife breast in Is...
jinjij 24-9-18 04:38 AM
Can I touch my wife breast in Islam? The Messenger of Allah used to be affectionate with his wives while fasting. Aishah (RAW) even mentioned him kissing her on the lips. So while being affectionate isn't haram as long as it won't lead to more, not touching those parts would prove better for you In ...
11 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Is pork full of collagen?
jinjij 24-9-18 02:37 AM
Is pork full of collagen? Meats such as pork, lamb, and beef Animals use collagen in their bodies the same way we do. They need it for their skin, bones, ligaments, and tendons. That being said, meat is high in collagen. These high-protein meats contain natural collagen, as well as the amino acids ...
17 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 How does Gordon Ramsay have his ...
jinjij 24-9-17 04:35 PM
How does Gordon Ramsay have his steak cooked? He prefers them on the rare side, and generally uses a technique such as sous-vide to raise the internal temperature to 165F, then quickly sears them on a very hot iron skillet to give them a nice texture and colour on the outside. Why do people cook ste ...
13 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 CNC Swiss オペレーターとは何ですか?
jinjij 24-9-17 02:38 AM
CNC Swiss オペレーターとは何ですか? CNC オペレーターは、スイスのコンピューター数値制御 (CNC)、旋盤、フライス盤のプログラミング、セットアップ、操作によって機械加工部品を製造する責任を負います。品質を維持することと、 swiss turn machining 数学で最も難しい理論は何ですか? リーマン予想には、ミレニアム賞 ...
13 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 CNC マシンの信頼性はどの程度ですか?
jinjij 24-9-16 09:38 PM
CNC マシンの信頼性はどの程度ですか? CNC マシンは、多くの場合わずか数ミクロン以下の非常に高いレベルの精度を実現できるため、厳しい公差が必要な精密製造用途に最適です。 ハースの新しい名前は何ですか? マネーグラム ハース F1 チームハース F1 チーム フルネーム マネーグラム ハース F1 チーム 拠点 米国ノースカ ...
11 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Why can t you weld zinc?
jinjij 24-9-15 01:37 AM
Why can't you weld zinc? Zinc has a relatively low boiling point for a metal, and this can cause trouble for welders. If your welding temperature is too high, you could vaporise the zinc – causing a release of dangerous and toxic gas that produces severe, flu-like symptoms when inhaled. What is the ...
13 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Is there MSG in eggs?
jinjij 24-9-14 09:36 PM
Is there MSG in eggs? MSG occurs naturally in various foods, such as carrot, onion, cabbage, potato, egg yolk, cheese, soy sauce, anchovies, and shrimp. It is also produced through the fermentation of animal-based or plant-based foods, including molasses, sugarcane, sugar beet, beans, mushrooms, and ...
10 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Should older men avoid soy?
jinjij 24-9-14 06:36 PM
Should older men avoid soy? The simple answer is [no," but there are two case reports in which two older men saw hormonal changes after consuming an extreme amount of soy. Each man consumed about nine times the amount of isoflavones, which are naturally occurring plant chemicals classified as phytoe ...
12 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 EVのバッテリーはガソリンよりも悪いのでしょうか
jinjij 24-9-14 11:38 AM
EVのバッテリーはガソリンよりも悪いのでしょうか? 巨大なディーゼルトラックから化石燃料を動力とする精油所に至るまで、鉱物の採掘と加工に必要なものがすべて揃っているため、EV バッテリーの生産には多大な二酸化炭素排出量が発生します。その結果、電気自動車の製造はガソリン車の製造よりも気候に大きなダメージを与 ...
11 次閱讀|沒有評論
分享 Should older men avoid soy?
jinjij 24-9-14 08:40 AM
Should older men avoid soy? The simple answer is [no," but there are two case reports in which two older men saw hormonal changes after consuming an extreme amount of soy. Each man consumed about nine times the amount of isoflavones, which are naturally occurring plant chemicals classified as phytoe ...
11 次閱讀|沒有評論

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